Get Ready for the Climb

Even the most experienced and passionate leaders face challenges in finding clarity around how to use their time, team, and available resources. Thirty Three Strategies (33S) helps organize and align your priorities, through collaboration and by shedding light on the most optimal path forward for your team.


Non-profit leaders and philanthropists alike can experience angst along their impact journeys. Angst about the mission they are chasing, the perceived daunting path ahead, or even about whether they should have started this trek in the first place.

Trust in Thirty Three Strategies (33S) to help you discover actionable strategic objectives and provide solution-oriented recommendations to remove barriers along the way.

What our clients receive:

  • Strategic implementation tools
  • Financial management
  • Board Governance
  • Innovative fundraising

33Sā€™s seasoned veterans of the non-profit industry can provide the spark and guidance through fresh perspective and creative solutions to create traction through this critical stage of your pursuit.

Accelerate with 33S!

Accelerate Your Impact

Overcome obstacles and ignite progress with tailored strategies from seasoned experts.

Schedule a Navigator Session Today


Whether you lead a non-profit business or seek ways to make a greater impact through philanthropy, your journey to reach the ultimate return on investment begins with an honest assessment of where you are today; clarity on where you are going; and a clear roadmap to get there.

Through a series of interviews and digital surveys with leadership, staff, and other stakeholders, 33S will utilize data and feedback to deliver a strategic assessment report with findings and directional recommendations for the client to accelerate.

What our clients receive:

  • Traditional business exercises
  • Leadership, board, and individual behavioral analysis
  • Comprehensive barrier and opportunity identification
  • Implementing a for-profit business-led mindset into the non-profit sector
  • Mission clarity and outcomes

Start Your Journey

Embark on a path of clarity and growth with our comprehensive strategic assessment.

Schedule a Navigator Session Today

To forge a path toward transformational change, your team, investors, collaborators, and partners need an experienced guide who understands the complexities of the terrain ahead.


Thirty Three Strategies (33S) believes that to reach greater impact potential, organizations require a unified ecosystem of people ā€” staff, leadership, investors, and collaborators, who share the same clarity of purpose (mission, vision, and values). Great things are never achieved by one person alone, but by a team of people bonded through aligned purpose and aim (impact summit).

Thirty Three Strategies guides nonprofits and philanthropists in creating real, measurable, and sustainable impact. Collaboration with other nonprofits not only provides strength in numbers in pursuit of a shared mission, but enhances philanthropists' personal or business goals. An ecosystem of aligned philanthropy can be the solution to systemic issues.

What our clients receive:

  • Multi-generational family strategies
  • Venture Philanthropy models and platforms
  • Nonprofit alliances- Philanthropist alliances
  • Social purpose advising
  • Executive leadership course tailored to nonprofits; led by Thirty Three Strategies.

Maximize Collaborative Potential

Discover the power of purpose-driven partnerships with our tailored impact solutions.

Schedule a Navigator Session Today

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Let our experts help you navigate through the challenges you're facing.

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