Giving Strategies

For Businesses and Corporations:

How seriously have you thought about the topic of corporate generosity? How well do you think your company’s current level of generosity reflects the potential it has to be generous?

We achieve the greatest effectiveness in corporate generosity programs when we plan them with the same strategic focus as other aspects of the business. We can easily approach generosity haphazardly, not thinking about where or how we can make the greatest impact. Some companies may plan to donate a percentage of its profits after a future sale. However, this type of thinking limits giving potential.

Instead, what if corporate assets and relationships are leveraged while deeply engaging team members in thegiving process as it relates to, and aligns with, the company’s culture? As the owner or leader of your company, do you have an intentional culture that alignsgenerosity with your long-term vision?

33S believes business assets, team members, and professional relationships can – and should – be leveraged to multiply impact. Establishing a corporate giving strategy lets us discernopportunities wisely, distribute gifts prudently, and experience stewardship joyfully. The opportunity to make deeper impact is not as difficult as you may think. Start the process today!

For Family Legacies:

Family Legacy Planning not onlypreserves wealth and maximizes impact, but passes on the family’s values,traditions and vision for a better world. For families who desire to create alasting legacy that honors its past, it is essential to develop an alignedvision forward. Engaging in philanthropy, utilizing life insurance, navigatingtax strategies, property/estate distribution, and establishing trusts are justa few ways to carefully consider how your cash and assets will pay it forward.

A Family Legacy Plan is more thanjust a set of documents. It ensures that your family is prepared to manage andpreserve inherited wealth. Your family asset structure and framework areimportant. Let’s get organized!

Pay It Forward: Share your company's or family's values, stories, and traditions through philanthropy.

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